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Following are some samples of HTML codes you may want to use within the body of your Web page. To view the actual HTML code for each example, click VIEW-PAGE SOURCE (or VIEW-SOURCE) and scroll down the example you are interested in.

If you "swipe" code for any of the following examples, be sure to capture the whole table -- everything from the starting table tag through the ending table tag.

1. Table with thin borders and cell alignment and size specs:

Mary Kent Lynn
North 34 29 22
South 38 42 18

2. Table with borders that contains both a picture and text:

Using a "table" is the only way in HTML code to place objects beside each other as in this example.

3. Table with no borders that contains both a picture and text:

Using a "table" is the only way in HTML code to place objects beside each other as in this example.

4. Table with no borders that contains both a picture and text and has a bit of a gap between the objects:

The gap between the objects was created by using PRE tags in an empty cell.

5. Using tables within tables to create an electronic picture frame.

You can call me Vinnie.