Horizontal Rules

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Following are some samples of HTML codes you may want to use on your Web page. To view the actual HTML code for each example, click VIEW-PAGE SOURCE (or VIEW-SOURCE) and scroll down the example you are interested in.

Examples of Horizontal Rules

Horizontal rules create a graphical break in your page without using graphics -- which means faster load times for your viewing audience.

Standard Horizontal Rule (below)

With a standard horizontal rule...

Extra Space

Adding Paragraph Tags above and below the horizontal rule adds extra space.

Different Widths

The following rules have been defined at variable widths, from 300 to 100 pixels:

The following rules have been defined at variable widths, from 90 percent to 10 percent:

Different Alignments

You can left-align rules:

You can center rules:

Or, you can right-align rules:

Non-Embossed Texture

In a range of sizes, from 3 to 12 pixels.

3 pixels

6 pixels

12 pixels