Blockquote Tags

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Blockquotes allow you to indent text so it is more readable on a Web page. Following are some samples of Blockquote code you may want to use on your Web page. To view the actual HTML code for each example, click VIEW-PAGE SOURCE (or VIEW-SOURCE) and scroll down the example you are interested in.

Blockquote Tags in Action

This is how the Blockquote tag was intended to be used:

We rode hard each day, from dawn to dusk, covering 30 miles of the roughest, driest, hottest land east of Alamogordo. If the rattlesnakes didn't bite you, the flies would. But we were running 300 head of Grade A, USDA American beef, so we kept on going. Every morning we woke up to Loco Bob's crazy wake-up song:

"Yippie-kye-yay, yie-yie-yie-yay, look on up, that sun is shining! Yie-yie-yeh, yippie-kye, yippie-yay, now I don't want to hear no whining! Yie! Yay! Yippie kye-yie-yeh! Yay-yay-kippie-yie-yey..."

I can't honestly say it put anyone in a good mood, but before he was done, most of us were saddled up and heading west. Not looking forward to our destination, really. Just trying to get out of earshot of Bob's awful song.

More Blockquote Tags in Action

Use the Blockquote tag to indent text:

Do you have beef cattle you need to deliver to market? Then call in the experts. We're reliable, well armed, and not allergic to dust.

Desert Dan's Cattle Drivers
San Miguel Hacienda
Old El Paso Trail
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Nest Blockquote tags to create further levels of indenting:

This text is indented with one Blockquote tag.

This text is indented with two Blockquote tags.

This text is indented with three Blockquote tags.